Rabu, 15 November 2017


Haiii guys, come back with me. I just sharing next resume (Chapter 2, 3 and 4). OMG it is make me tired, but I more understand to speak and learn new language, especially English Language. If you want learn foreign language it is not difficult. I have step. Grab guys to read my blog. Let’s go …
5 Steps to speak a new language (Hung Q. Pham)

 CHAPTER 3 (Build a Natural Language Acquiring Mechanism)
‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step” - LAO TZU
I would like to explain a bit more how the human brain learns a language, the difference between learning and acquiring, and the concepts of input and output.
A particularly interesting revelation was the mechanism on which brain functions. When comparing the human brain with the computer, he found that the two worked on very different mechanisms. Unlike computers, our brain cells (neuron) function by a mechanism that he called “pattern recognition” and “association” and not on logic.
The input signals you get via your eyes (reading) and ears (listening) stimulate the cells in the language processing area of your brain. As you continuously receive inputs, repetitive signals create “marks” or “traces” in your cortex. The sets of traces and marks I 26 then form something like a “language map” in your brain.
When a guy speaks a new language fluently, it means his new “language map” has been clearly formed. As he hears or reads something in the language, his brain recognizes the input signals by “associating” them to the map in his brain.
 This mechanism explains a very common situation in which a learner fails to hear a certain word or phrase while listening to native speech.
If you are in such a situation, you would likely think: “listening to a foreign language is so difficult!”
In most cases, the problem lies with your input. The two most common problems are:
1.      You have learned the word only in its written form but have missed the sound form.
2.       You have heard the “sound” of the word when you learned it, but the “sound” you heard was not correct as it was spoken by a non-native speaker.
The learning approach has the following disadvantages:
 • It does not create excitement; excitement is an important factor in studying a new language.
 • If the teacher is not a native speaker, the “sound” input may not be 100% correct.
  The reason is that when the whole class is assigned a paragraph for translation, the teacher would normally explain all the new words emerging, no matter whether they are common words or not. Students then try to memorize all of them. This process, therefore, takes time and is not efficient.
Input and output
learning a language consists of two basic parts: input from reading and listening and output in the form of writing and speaking.
Getting input and producing output have a mutual impact. In other words, if we organize input and output well, we can expedite our learning process. Basically, producing output helps the learner quickly consolidate what he has got from acquiring input (reading, listening and watching).
Massive input and selective acquisition
When it comes to learning a new language, getting massive input is the key..
I have used when I learned English. Such us:

  • ·         Foreign television channels

  • ·         Books and newspaper written in English

  • ·         Foreign radio channels

  • ·         Online forum communicating in English

  • ·         Expatriates living in my home town. You can easily make friends with them

  • ·         Friends online

And if you will using new language. You must have one or more of the following attributes:

  • ·         be on a topic that interests you.

  • ·         be up-to-date so you can relate to things that are happening.

  • ·         provide useful information.

  • ·         contain hot news

  • ·         not be too hard for you to understand. 

Take advantage of your favorite field or topic
if you’ve chosen your favorite topics to study, you will be easily. And it is make you more understand.

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